By long day - 12/11/2013 20:29 - United States - Bay City

Today, while taking an order over the phone for the customer at work, I began to hear slight moans. The moans gradually became faster and louder, until climax was achieved and I realized I was being used for phone sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 739
You deserved it 3 881

Same thing different taste

Top comments

th3mai1man 6

Just make sure they didn't give you hearing aids.


cheshirecat13242 32

Definitely sounds like a sexy place to work, or call.. What's the number? XD

Did they even order anything? Or just enjoy the conversation.

Apparently he did not care that the phone call was being recored and or monitored for training purposes.

This happens all the time on free phone lines. I used to work on a helpline for children and we got it all the time- i guess its free and its a female voice! Doesnt make it any less disgusting though.... I feel your pain!

where on earth do you work?? do yku have some sort of exotic accent??

"Thank you for your business. Come again soon."

That's horrible, being harassed and not being able to get out of it. Try reporting it next time it happens. Probably won't deter him but at least the rest of your team will be aware too and will be prepared