By long day - 12/11/2013 20:29 - United States - Bay City

Today, while taking an order over the phone for the customer at work, I began to hear slight moans. The moans gradually became faster and louder, until climax was achieved and I realized I was being used for phone sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 739
You deserved it 3 881

Same thing different taste

Top comments

th3mai1man 6

Just make sure they didn't give you hearing aids.


If you were taking the order over the phone would you not have his details, if so report him. There are other numbers for that type of thing.

Brian_JWU 5

Report them to the police, and btw I'm not kidding I hate it when things like that happen I mean it's just so rude and ******* sick to do something like that perverts like that should pay a fine for the shit they put people through

rawlings123 17

calm your ******* ****. inb4 "Oh Ehm Gee"

Maybe it's not you specifically. It could be that someone else is doing the pleasuring while that person orders... you know... kinky shit like that.