By long day - 12/11/2013 20:29 - United States - Bay City

Today, while taking an order over the phone for the customer at work, I began to hear slight moans. The moans gradually became faster and louder, until climax was achieved and I realized I was being used for phone sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 739
You deserved it 3 881

Same thing different taste

Top comments

th3mai1man 6

Just make sure they didn't give you hearing aids.


AntiPrude 26

To be honest OP, who cares? It was probably a prank call. Feel happy that you're getting some entertainment.

Ugh, I used to have that happen when I worked at a call center. Creepiest thing ever. I think I cried the first time.

I guess that's kinda cool at least you know you gotta sexy voice lol

perdix 29

Hey, you were part of a threesome!

Perhaps it was a fat couple that accidentally hit speed dial?

JMichael 25

A satisfied customer=a happy customer