Empty gesture

By Anonymous - 31/10/2015 05:44 - Canada - London

Today, my mother in law basically said I deserve my breast cancer, all because I declined to take part in one of her "March Against Cancer" events a while ago. I guess donating money to cancer research instead of going on a meaningless march really messed up my karma. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 982
You deserved it 1 800

Same thing different taste

Top comments

llamarrama01 21

What a bitch! Good luck in your recovery and keep strong!

Cancer is a bitch, just like your mother in law. I really hope you get better <3


llamarrama01 21

What a bitch! Good luck in your recovery and keep strong!

She doesn't have breast cancer; I don't think.

"Basically said I deserve MY breast cancer"

Oops. My mistake. In my defense, I just spent 22 hours binge watching corpse party to get in the Halloween spirit. Well, anyways, that sucks OP. I really hope you get better soon!

Your mom sounds like a total bitch! Good for you for donating money to things that you think are important. Get better, sorry you have to suffer cancer yourself.

Cancer is a bitch, just like your mother in law. I really hope you get better <3

YourOpinionSucks 22

Well, there are a lot of creative and fun ways to make someone's life hell, I suggest you google some. (Signing up for UPS gives you 25 free shipping boxes. Times 100 accounts = 250 boxes on her porch that she has to pay to remove, my personal favorite). Stay positive and strong, with the support of your loved ones (excluding the monster in law) you'll get through this.

This was probably just a typo, but in case it wasn't: it would be 2500 boxes

You get free boxes for signing up? Let's not tell cats about this.

Mcstud1y 30

My prayers are with you OP. And for your mother in law, she's a bitch.

Cancer is just one of those things that seem categorically undeserved. I mean, sadists, psychopaths, killers seem undeserving—it's just such a tedious, insidious disease.

rabid_otaku 29

Try TDR pulmonary tuberculosis.

kindly tell your mother in law that Jesus loves her and you're praying for her soul

I don't even think Jesus could love that monster

"Jesus loves us all, except for you. You're going to hell."

NodakN8V 25

Your monster-in-laws a bitch. Sorry OP for the news. My moms stage 4 ovarian so my thoughts are being sent your way

She's a total bitch, do not listen to her. I've experienced something similar and it took me awhile to realize that the problem was really with the other person, not me.