By godhatesme - 10/12/2011 08:45 - United States
Same thing different taste
On the move
By c-Ouch - 07/07/2024 15:00 - United States
By Sawarski - 07/01/2013 20:09 - United States
By BedazzledAlpaca - 08/12/2014 05:03 - United States - Englewood
Injury to injury
By Anonymous - 01/11/2023 18:00
Just corpsing
By Anonymous - 07/01/2025 15:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 31/05/2012 19:03 - Canada
By Clumsy - 18/04/2019 18:00
Nightmare mode
By oliver - 27/01/2016 12:02 - United States
Action - Reaction
By CaptBlood - 21/05/2021 00:01
Heavy sleeper
By good_aim - 27/07/2013 08:03 - United States - Los Angeles
Top comments
How did you not see her?
i have a perfectly reasonable explanation to this. his wife was making a snow angle in the driveway before BAM :D
Could you, by any chance, explain what a "snow angle" is? Angel***
Oh goody. The Grammar Nazis have invaded. ANNYWAYS OP, I could definitely see how you could do that! She could have been wearing very neutral colors and blended in!
26 or "kylaisaBITCH" (haha i see why) don't try to make yourself look witty or funny. we both know what I'm trying to say. unless you're an idiot, i'm pretty sure you can comprehend the word. kthxbai! cheerz!
The only time I see Grammar nazi'ing to be appropriate is if someone is dumb enough to mix up your and you're.
Or where, were and we're
The worst is when someone actually types out they're instead of there/their.
maybe she's a Ninja, although then she might have dodged it.
U can make this work if she's been trying to lose weight say " uve lost so much weight I didn't see u there"
Seriously? Y'all have some arbitrary rules about which homophones should be used correctly and which ones we should just let go? Snow angles is too funny to let go.
The real issue here is referring to your wife as "something" and not "someone". Women are not objects.
106 - it's obviously to build suspense into the FML
Why do people on FML always worry about, if they spelled something wrong and if so they go HAM on them. FYL if you care I spelled this wrong. Stfu n smc
. . . .____ __(. . . . . )====: : / LOLTANK O.O.O.O.O/ beep beep
106 - He bumped "something" only to find out it was his wife.. I think he would have said he bumped into her from the beginning. Anyways; "You're the greatest THING that's ever happened to me..." < How about 'thing' here, is it inappropriate?
was she laying on the ground or something. and it's an accident I don't think shell kick u out ti the couch unless she's a bitch.
"Engrish" must not have been your strongest subject at school...
52 I don't think he had a "subject" at all.
Dude, he hit her with his carr.. Ovbiously theres gunna be a punishment ._.
Car* Obviously* There is* Going to*
Hey 52 at least he used it's correctly that's pretty rare
He's in the ******* army. Shut the **** up and suck your own dick.
Some people use mobile, get over it
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anyway"Sorry, I had a foot spasm so I floored it. Not my fault, I couldn't control my foot"
Yeah if you're gonna run over your wife you got to go for broke and just floor it.
I was expecting the first reply to 3 to be from a feminazi...oh well
Some guys actually enjoy sleeping on the couch. It's kinda like camping.....
Now get: a tent, fire wood, matches, marshmellows and bear repellent or i suppose in this case wife repellent.
6- hey! Some girls too!
Oooh hell hath no fury like a woman scorned...
10- I feel so much pity for you right now.
Awe. Mang. **** 'dem. That was funny to me..
You're lucky she didnt take an early start into digging your grave and making you sleep in it

How did you not see her?
Some guys actually enjoy sleeping on the couch. It's kinda like camping.....