By ThoroughlyCreepedOut - 07/03/2010 00:22 - United States

Today, while in a public restroom, a man entered the stall next to me and began vigorously wanking. He finished quickly, but as he was leaving he peeped in at me through the crack in the stall door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 307
You deserved it 2 244

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oh my god, as if the wanking wasn't creepy enough...

I thought that only happened in airports?!


BurtonRyder 0

I would have kicked the door open on his face and break his damn nose. but that's just me

BurtonRyder 0

ewww what a creeper. hahahahahaha sucks to be you! q

HelloAnna 0

Hopefully he was checking to see if you didn't notice anything that had just happened?... ah, no... probably some creepy homosexual exhibitionist.

buttshapedfruit 0

WTF that's just a bit on the creepy side

wanking? I've never heard it called that before...

DJuan 0

when he peeked in your stall did y'all make eye contact?

You were listening to him beating off; he peeps at you with your pants down trying to poo. I call that "even-steven".