By Jill - 09/04/2011 22:00 - United States

By Jill - 09/04/2011 22:00 - United States
By ThoroughlyCreepedOut - 07/03/2010 00:22 - United States
By teaspoonzz - 25/10/2017 15:00
By Sarahir - 29/04/2020 05:00
By Cherie - 31/08/2009 21:18 - United States
By grossedout - 01/02/2015 23:10 - United States - Newport News
By yepintheladiesroom - 07/06/2014 21:37 - United Kingdom - London
By Bobby ray slice - 22/08/2011 00:03 - United States
By Sleeper_C3ll - 04/02/2009 23:04 - United States
By OhGodWhy - 29/12/2016 23:30 - United States - Indianapolis
By reedcarter - 04/12/2012 02:14
Ewwwww. He was splashing everywhere!
Y'all females are so ungrateful. If I walked in and saw a girl masturbating on the sink, I'd help her out!
Win ^
20 maybe if it had've been a female op would've assisted too.
I said IF. It was a simple hypothetical. I think you just wanted to say that.
and that day, op lost her virginity.
Thanks 58, you're right, and I appreciate the honesty. :) I love you too!
anyone who doesn't appreciate the troll is a blind, **** juggling thundercunt. go and be simple, dumb minded fool by following other people by worshiping the grounds docbastard and perdix piss on
did you seize the moment?
what about 34? 49 is for wimpps
Liking the Eminem reference. And, 58, leave all trolls, including *the* troll, alone. they're more entertaining than the fml's themselves.
108 brilliant idea in fact I think I have seen that recently on google images
yeah really long beard
118 grow up and watch some southpark season 10 is good. and get off of his case and go back to the womens bathroom
soo weird
I wonder what his problem is...
Bruce lee.
Excuse me, sir, trolls are supposed to be clever, unless we're talking about the dumb, simple-minded fantastical trolls. I apologize for expressing my opinion aside from my sarcasm, and I would like to address the FML public that I will never post a commenting comment ever again. Thank you for your time. Common Sense.
Common sense seems to be suffering from dementia in its old age.
72- you forgot about KaySL's satanic worshippers. they're getting out of hand and we may need to destroy their temple before it's to late and KaySL rises back from the grave!!!!!!!!
58 holy shit I know
don't you just love new York?
come to new York. where all kinds of crazy shit happens. you havnt seen the freakest of the freak until you ride in the new York city subway
obviously you don't live in NY than
long island is NOTHING like the real NYC, btw
I live in Brooklyn! New York is awesome!
did you seize the moment?
70-- have u ever used the subway? or opened ur eyes to the weirdos and creeps in the city?
New York is where it's at. That is where all the women manage to cooperate in the ***** industries.... With the exception of the OP who was fazed by the man's action and went against The NY(pronounced nigh) Order. For shame, OP. For shame, man.
If you think New York is bad, visit it's nasty neighbor Newark *shudders*
Lol nice @2
wait, he came on OP? or..was he actually just being warm, as in personality?
op was later found rubbing against the sink. naked.
what do you mean on? o.O was he just casually sitting on it or was he aiming his weapon at it?
that comment made u sound stupid.
Victoria.. what is your secret!? I've flipped through countless magazines, gazing at each page trying to figure it out!
why did we get moderated :( ohh Sirin The Great please answer this humble peasant.
@urdirtyolduncle: Coz I need to set an example for the peasants to avoid another financially crippling revolution. And because the sexual tension made me jealous.
I don't get why people have to moderate comments. I wanna read this shit. if it offends you scroll pass it.
*bows down to Sirin and begs for forgiveness*
KaySL! Your comments always make me feel warm and fuzzy in my tonsils.
holy ****. I'm sorry I don't know how this ******* website/app works you **** sticks. 102 and 110 in particular. I wasn't being a whinny little bitch either. I was just saying the I wish they wouldn't ******* moderate comments so everyone could read them.
o my bad I ment whinny little asswipe
..well don't just stand there! go and give him a hand
You turned around and left so he could finish the job in peace, right. That would have been the polite thing to do.
Give him a hand? No? Alright then.
I wasn't trolling...
hand dryer only did half job finish it off for the poor fella! giddy up
hahah give him more than a hand
warmly greeted huh? I bet you were
Y'all females are so ungrateful. If I walked in and saw a girl masturbating on the sink, I'd help her out!