By blocked_by_fire - 17/04/2012 18:13 - United States - Pullman

Today, while I was in the midst of the most mind-blowing shower sex ever, the fire alarm went off. My girlfriend had left the stove top on and the entire kitchen had caught on fire. So instead of finishing, I frantically ran around naked trying to douse the flames. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 723
You deserved it 4 511

Same thing different taste


Maxxy928 7

...why not kill two birds with one stone?

" oh there's a fire? Let's get out of the shower that is pouring water!"

yourmofo 6

Now you can have "Saving the Day" sex.

Nothing like a naked firefighter to light up her day!

you should have continued a little more then go turn off stove

Dude, fire and naked dongs don't mix.

You did this all with a boner? Like a bawsss

skristen69 0

If ur entire kitchen caught on fire then ur going to need real help. Call 911 get a towel and wrap ur selves up. Which should have been the very first thing u did.