By AznKoreanGuy - 04/03/2009 06:06 - United States

Today, while getting off the bus, there was a lady in front of me wearing a dress and suddenly her phone dropped out of her bag. I picked up the phone for her which landed right beneath her dress and as she turned around she thought I was trying to take pictures of her panties and slapped me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 926
You deserved it 4 684

Same thing different taste

Top comments

musu_fml 0

Please, PLEASE tell me she stormed off and refused to listen to you try to explain...meaning you still have the phone.

With her own phone? What a douche. And #13... getting her fired from that job for that incident, fine. Don't CONTINUE try to ruin someones life because you can't handle a little slap...


twifan1901 0

Yup of course it is total FML I can just picture it. Today, while I was on the bus in my nicest dress some pervert tried taking a picture of my underwear with my own cellphone FML

musu_fml 0

Please, PLEASE tell me she stormed off and refused to listen to you try to explain...meaning you still have the phone.

That's one hell of a lady if she thinks she's attracive enough for you to picture her pants. By saying "lady", i assume we're talking about an elder.

It wasn't an old lady. Even op thought she probably had panties on. Also, what old lady has a cell phone? Usually women over 60ish are distrustful of them (usually)

Crabby 0

I hope you called the police and pressed assault charges against that ungrateful bitch.

shantoyamuchluv 0

All these over-hyped dramatic news stories about voyeurs, pedos, etc. has turned people into paranoid nutjobs.

Why are some people so quick to lash back. (#4) It was a misunderstanding and I'm sure she realized that and apologized after. No need to press charges or call her an ungrateful bitch.

throwing_bricks 0

How do you know she was wearing panties?

Because she was probably a young woman. With young women you usually can presume without seeing anything incriminalising.

Tucatz 0

I think I might have held up her cell phone so she could see that it was hers, then flung it into the road.