By tuck87 - 18/07/2014 15:49 - Canada - Toronto

Today, I had a customer write "fuck you" in the tip option area on his credit card slip, I have no idea why. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 834
You deserved it 5 399

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's when you tell him you aren't a prostitute.

Why is it so ******* difficult for some people to just have some good manners? If someone does you a service, you thank (and maybe even a tip) them. Ungrateful ness annoys me so much.


That's when you tell him you aren't a prostitute.

Yup. I got it after a quick "oh no" moment and a rapid google search on Canadian prostitution laws. Google is a friend of everyone.

Prostitution isn't illegal everywhere. I guess it could still be offensive, though.

xLuvx2xLaffx 4

What if he offers (dr evil) one million dollars (/dr evil)?

35, you tried a little too hard. Unless if it's an obscure reference, you don't have to put parentheses and the name of what you're referencing every 5 words.

How do you know it was a "he"? *plot twist*

combatwhore1371 9

prostitution is legal in Greece..

cryssycakesx3 22

36, he was doing a "voice" not citing his reference.

cryssycakesx3 22

"why would I pay for all this food now? I'm not even hungry any more."

Why is it so ******* difficult for some people to just have some good manners? If someone does you a service, you thank (and maybe even a tip) them. Ungrateful ness annoys me so much.

While I agree, always tip. While they may not have done a great job, they still spent their time trying to get you good service. Unless of course, if the tip is included in the bill

When was Ness ungrateful? I'm pretty sure he was the guy leading the attack on Giygas.

kingdomgirl94 29

Some people are just cheap and offended at the idea of tipping.

"Why would I give up MY MONEY? I already paid for the meal"

orbit 22

#4 Probably because of the fact that it is now expected. It used to mean someone was grateful. Now some places even include the tip in the bill.

13- I hope you never ever go out to eat at a restaurant. you suck.

kingdomgirl94 29

He's just saying what those people say. They don't understand how waitressing or waiting works; they get paid less than minimum wage and are expected to make up the difference in tips.

sounds like a jerk to me, hope he doesn't come back to your section

A07 48

That is the part where you 'accidentally' spill coffee on him.

No, the proper response to when someone says "**** YOU" is to simply say, "You wish."

Plus, why would OP serve the customer after the bill? Don't you pay the bill when you're done being served? Unless if you want to deliberately go out of your way to spill coffee, which would make the person who was supposed to get the coffee angry as well. There's no good that would come out of that.

#32: It depends on how nice you are to your waiter and how well you tip them. Usually, when I go to a new restaurant, even after I've paid my bill and leave tip, my waiter will still come back and refill my drink. I imagine they wouldn't do that if they weren't satisfied with the tip I left. Just leave 12% as a rule of thumb (unless the service was genuinely bad, and it has happened before), and they'll be grateful for that.

12%? That's harsh. Most servers have to tip out a percentage of their sales, myself a minimum of 4%. Better rule of thumb: 18-20% for good service, 15% for mediocre service, 10% if it's bad. Stiffing is only reserved for the rudest, shittiest of service.

People can be so harsh :/ I'm sorry, OP. Some people take out their frustrations on people they think are lesser than them, but that's not right. They were probably having a bad day

Yes, obviously. It HAS to be a sex offender! I don't think OP felt sexually violated, just confused and probably offended.

14- You have a point, but it would have to be in question form. **** you?

Yup, I read that wrong. I'm an idiot, sorry guys!

Maybe the horn tootin' fella or ma'am forgot to add the question mark.

In the end you're the better person people who are ungrateful assholes end up alone