By AznKoreanGuy - 04/03/2009 06:06 - United States

Today, while getting off the bus, there was a lady in front of me wearing a dress and suddenly her phone dropped out of her bag. I picked up the phone for her which landed right beneath her dress and as she turned around she thought I was trying to take pictures of her panties and slapped me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 924
You deserved it 4 683

Same thing different taste

Top comments

musu_fml 0

Please, PLEASE tell me she stormed off and refused to listen to you try to explain...meaning you still have the phone.

With her own phone? What a douche. And #13... getting her fired from that job for that incident, fine. Don't CONTINUE try to ruin someones life because you can't handle a little slap...


bitchinstopshere 0

wow, i wasn't gonna join today, but damn, #13, you are a bitch, hence the reason for my nickname. Seriously, does that person that your talking about deserve that. no, so ya know what, screw you, and may what you want to happen to her happen to you at least 10 fold.

MukyDaCookie 0

#13, forget getting her fired, swing that right hook! Guys, its not "assault" if he is trying to get her attention by grabbing her elbow. This is like the scene from Anger Management, where the Air Hostess is ignoring Adam Sadler and he taps her on the shoulder and is pressed with charges and tasered. To the OP; it's horrible that should have happened. People are really paranoid nowadays. No trust.

You are incorrect. By common law definition, assault is creating fear of imminent harm through offensive contact or threat. Legally, you may not touch another person without their consent, period. If they are startled or believe you mean them harm, they can press assault charges. If she felt threatened because someone grabbed her arm and tried to pull her somewhere, that is most definitely assault. I don't know anyone who would not rule that an assault. I've seen people charged with assault for far less than that. What you are thinking of is aggravated assault or battery. Be careful, because your misconception may get you in trouble someday. For your own protection, KNOW THESE DEFINITIONS. Never ever touch a stranger. Know the law.

I should keep her phone. You tried to help the bitch. Next time walk away with her phone and slam it on the floor or something. or make prank cals to europe. lol no that is immature. Just walk away with it :P

I'm sure she thinks she's attractive enough to have someone want to take a picture of her panties? I don't get people.

Beef_Sister 0

You should have got her number from her phone, then told it to some creepy drug-dealing scum in an alley somewhere, that'll teach her!..

KatherineJ 0

Sucks to be you at that moment. I'd have slapped her back and called her an ungrateful bitch for hitting you when you were helping her out.

And that's why you tell her she dropped her phone, op.

bigbadwolf078 4

Being nice gets u nowhere nowadays.