By Anonymous - 08/03/2019 12:00

Today, my teacher told me that unless I went into medicine, math, or engineering, I would never amount to anything in life. This wasn't even two minutes after I told him I want to be an author. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 070
You deserved it 389

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bike8513 3

I’ve worked in engineering (software and electrical) for 20+ years now. Most engineers are terrible writers. If you like to write and you know some engineering terminology... somebody has to document how all this stuff works. If you really want to “make it” in many fields you need to have an understanding of two different areas. People who can bridge a communication gap are invaluable.

Based on what we see from your writing, the teacher is giving you an honest opinion. To the teacher, “amounting to” means $$$. If you want to pursue writing, your odds of becoming financially stable are much lower.


Well from a financial and usefulness to society standpoint, he’s not wrong. Not trying to discourage you, but most authors don’t really become famous, make any money at it or make an impact on people’s lives.

bike8513 3

I’ve worked in engineering (software and electrical) for 20+ years now. Most engineers are terrible writers. If you like to write and you know some engineering terminology... somebody has to document how all this stuff works. If you really want to “make it” in many fields you need to have an understanding of two different areas. People who can bridge a communication gap are invaluable.

Based on what we see from your writing, the teacher is giving you an honest opinion. To the teacher, “amounting to” means $$$. If you want to pursue writing, your odds of becoming financially stable are much lower.

Don’t listen to him. Yes, writing isn’t financially stable, but that doesn’t mean you should pursue a career path you don’t want. There are lots of degrees you can get to help support you while you write. I’m getting a bachelors in English and teaching high school while I work on my writing. Stephen King was a teacher before he became a famous author. Find something you love and write on the side.

You can write medical, math and engineering textbooks or at least integrate these subjects into your writing if you're good at them ;)

IrieStorm 9

You could work on your writing in your free time while pursuing a more financially stable career.

bobsanction 18

There's no reason you can't be an author and something else too. Very few authors just write full time, and even fewer do so straight away.

So your teacher was telling you that you’d be a natural at medicine, maths and engineering; which are typically some of the most technical and difficult disciplines. Sounds like a compliment, not an FML.

Well, that teacher sucks. Teachers are supposed to help you find a path in life that you'll enjoy!