By robthebuilder - 26/10/2010 06:35 - Canada

Today, while at work, I was asked to see my boss. I was informed that the company would be laying off 20 people, and that I was one of them. I was told I could finish off the week, then was sent back to work. Twenty minutes later, my boss walked around and handed us all Christmas party invitations. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 801
You deserved it 2 465

Same thing different taste

Top comments

your life does suck. but hey go to the Xmas party booze it up and act belligerent. you have the green light.

you have the right to act like a complete fool at the party. it's not like you'll see them again anyway ;)


Take a dump on your boss's desk. Totally serious.

That sounds about right lay everyone off. And then throw a frigging X-Mas party!!! Who's gonna go everyones been laid off. no one works there

NoFackYourLife 0

Consider the party an invite to keep relations with the jobyou have... unemployment is currently 99 weeks, and they are giving out tons of money for college education. with the way the economy is keep yourself viable as a possible employee, and get yourself educated.

I don't know, I thought the same thing. I didnt see getting invited to the christmas party as a slap to the face, I saw it as a nice way of saying "im really sorry, this isn't personal, you're still part of our little working family. " I think I would be more offended if the boss handed out christmas party invitations to everyone but the people who just got laid off. If you go and you show that there are no sore feelings, when the company has the opportunity to hire again you'll be popping up in there mind. Personally, Im kind of sick of everyone being so bitter and angry at the company they just got laid off from (i can understand being crushed and even anxious, Ive been laid off before too). But people need to realize that companies cant keep people on staff if they aren't making money. it's just business.

This is my fml and im not so bitter and mad at the company because of the layoff. it was the way they handled it that made me angry. They hired on 10 new people about a month before me being one of them, at a lower pay and then finished all the project immediately and they didnt have to ship until well into the new year. We where told of great advancement oppertunities and all the benifits we would receive after 3 months and the pay raise we would receive at 3 months. There method of laying off people had no basis as people who made massive mistakes costing the company thousands of dollars didnt get laid off, people who had been hired after me didnt get laid off, people who where not as accurate or fast as me didnt get laid off, however friends of the supervisor stayed. They didnt reduce the hours as some of us where working up to 60 hour a week if we wanted to and 50 hours if we didnt want extra overtime. Then they laid off 20 people once all the work was done even people who had been working there upwards of 3 years and at the same time reduced the hours of the rest. I was personaly mad because id just moved out of my house for the first time 10 hours away from home and was staying at my girlfriends place temporarily as we were not ready to live together yet and so on my second paycheck i asked my supervisor if i was doing well at my job and if i had anything to worry about in my job security. When he said things where great and i didnt have to worry i signed a lease on an appartment a week later i was informed of the layoff. The chirstmas party invitation was like merry christmas you cant afford presents or the plane trip home to your family

wriptidez 0

put it back on his desk... lol

I'm not sure where you are all from and how things work there, but typically when you don't work somewhere you aren't going to the xmas party.

i would still go and drink up all his free booze.

TheHeavyOne 15

That happens to me almost yearly. This past year was the first time that didn't happen. Sorry OP!