Snow day

By Yudith - 05/12/2023 03:00 - Canada - Montreal

Today, I returned from wading in a foot of snow to go to a hearing and back, and opened my emails. My boss had sent me an email on Friday at 4:30 telling me I didn't have to go in. On Friday, there was the company Christmas party. He was there. So was I. He told me nothing. Nor did he call me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 470
You deserved it 166

Same thing different taste

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Yes, he told me in an email on Friday, written just after he told me himself to go home and prepare for the office Christmas party. I mean, who comes home, dresses up for a party, and goes back to the office to check his/her emails before climbing in a car with two coworkers to go to the party? Especially when opening the work computer to check said emails takes at least five minutes?


He did tell you, in an email on Friday. He—reasonably—assumed you would check your email between Friday and when you left for the hearing. You should have checked your email before you left for the hearing.

Yes, he told me in an email on Friday, written just after he told me himself to go home and prepare for the office Christmas party. I mean, who comes home, dresses up for a party, and goes back to the office to check his/her emails before climbing in a car with two coworkers to go to the party? Especially when opening the work computer to check said emails takes at least five minutes?