By worksucker - 05/07/2011 05:34 - United States

Today, 30 minutes before I was supposed to quit work at 6pm, my boss showed up. After telling him how the day went, he asked why I was still there. Apparently, for the holiday, we close early. 4 hours earlier. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 571
You deserved it 7 493

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He didn't say anything earlier cause he wanted you to "accidentally" work extra probably without pay.

RathaPride02 6

Where do you work? Didnt you notice no one was there?


He didn't say anything earlier cause he wanted you to "accidentally" work extra probably without pay.

KingGeorgeGal 12

And nobody decided to tell you?

alexg823 0

Did you think nothing of everyone leaving, saying "See ya tommorow Jack" and turning off the lights?

balest22 0

Yeah at least this will hopefully build OPs rep in her bosses eyes.

RathaPride02 6

Where do you work? Didnt you notice no one was there?

Some small shops only have one scheduled employee working at a time, who then handles everything and closes up shop at the end of the workday. Same for a lot of gas stations, where there's a single cashier working at any given time.

didn't the rest of the employees leave?

anjelicjazzy 6

how could yu not know? did anyone show up???

Petunia888 13

You should be grateful for the extra money. That is, if you're hourly. If not, thanks for the volunteer work.