Make your mind up

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, when I got to work, I found out that I was being laid off. Two hours later, I found out my boss had my name on the wrong list. I was elated. I went to lunch, but on the way back was rear-ended, in the rain. I was an hour and a half late getting back to work. I was fired upon returning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 491
You deserved it 3 279

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's when you show them a copy of the report, and if they don't change it, sue for wrongful termination.

Erindub 0

I think 1/2 of the posted FML's could be turned around if the OP took the time to explain the situation fully and/or rationally. This FML is just another one of those posts.


its fuckheads like you who get these kind of impressions. was that even funny?

That's when you show them a copy of the report, and if they don't change it, sue for wrongful termination.

#2 is exactly correct. Sorry about it though, bro.

CatcherQueen 15

Honestly though it depends on what state you are in. In my state, you can get fired for no reason. My brother in law got fired for no reason and couldnt do anything about it due to our stupid laws.

I agree with #2. This sounds pretty questionable to me....they can't fire you behind it if you have the necessary documentation to support your story. Now if you didn't have a police report and expected them to just take your word for it....than you deserve it because most likely that would mean you lied about the whole thing.

Erindub 0

I think 1/2 of the posted FML's could be turned around if the OP took the time to explain the situation fully and/or rationally. This FML is just another one of those posts.

Eternity_fml 0

Thanks for teaching me a new word today: "elated" (to fill with joy or pride). :D

ghadir 2

i was gonna ask the OP if he just wanted to seem smart with that big word haha

... What really? Elated's not even close to an "intelligent" word. Not even close to an uncommon word. If OP was trying to be a pretentious douche, he would have said "exultant."

ghadir 2

haha i was kidding..not sure about the person i originally replied too though lol

...Oh, please respond to this OP. Were you rear-ended and you ended up rear-ending a woman? You rear-ended my friend's mother. :b Anyway, You dealt with being "fired" the first time so you didn't waste all that effort coming back to get fired again! Note the quotes.