By robthebuilder - 26/10/2010 06:35 - Canada

Today, while at work, I was asked to see my boss. I was informed that the company would be laying off 20 people, and that I was one of them. I was told I could finish off the week, then was sent back to work. Twenty minutes later, my boss walked around and handed us all Christmas party invitations. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 801
You deserved it 2 465

Same thing different taste

Top comments

your life does suck. but hey go to the Xmas party booze it up and act belligerent. you have the green light.

you have the right to act like a complete fool at the party. it's not like you'll see them again anyway ;)


hghiPigh 0

lame. who approved this shit??

If he didn't, you would've written a FML about that, too.

get freaky at the party. unleash your hidden side

I think the FML here is the fact that the OP got fired because the company needed money and then throws a party, that obviously costs money as well... at least, that'd be my frustration lol

what your saying doesn't really make a lot of sense..... A christmas party would cost no more than a few hundred dollars. but keeping 20 people on staff would cost about $700,000 a year (assuming they all make around $35,000 a year). I can definitely see a christmas party budgeted, where it doesn't make any sense whatsoever to keep those people on staff if the company is hemorrhaging money.....

Do what an old co-worker of mine did when he was give 4 days notice about layoffs, double decker as many toilets as you can (take a dump in the toilet tank not the bowl).

Wow. A) That's disgusting B) Your boss obviously isn't going to be the one cleaning the shit out of the toilet tank, so how would that get back at him for firing you?

A) Your right, it is. B) He may not have had to clean it but the toilets needed to be replaced at cost to the company and it’s a smaller office and the smell was horrific.

at least you can go to am awesome party!! isn't that a plus=) ??

Michael123087 0

ur actually somewhat lucky. all my layoffs were effective immediately with no invitations to a party. in fact the parties were only for the big bosses clearing in taxes what I made a year. lol

at least you could finish off the week... party it up!

trumpetGIRL12345 0

he can't go to the party he won't be working there after the end of the week and Christmas is a long ways away

Get waisted and be a total party smashes. The worst they can do is fire you... oh wait, they cant!

I'd much rather get elbowed. Or perhaps shouldered.

Pen, come on! I have SOME modesty. Plus, I made a toilet-humor joke yesterday, and one a week is my limit.

After all the stories on your website, I, too, am surprised, Doc.