By FYLyfer - 26/10/2009 21:34 - United States

Today, while at Wendy's with my boyfriend, I realized that he made more pleasure sounds when eating his Baconator than he did while sleeping with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 027
You deserved it 5 614

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what did you expect? few things rank above sex... and bacon is one of them lol

Mx_Rider 6

p.s have him eat a baconater while he bones u doggystyle :D


ZacharyorAndrew 0

ydi for not staying abstinent

fadoodlemynoodle 0

YDI for not being able to make him a sammich

no shitt. baconatorrs are hellla good!

I'm so tires of hearing fml like this.I know if I don't like I don't have to read it.but come on this is even half as bad compared to the other worse fml on here.I just wished ppl wouldn't complain oh my bf doesn't sound like this when we sleep.stfu

youre kinda a ***** to sleep with him at all

But of course. The Baconator, in all its greasy glory, is by far more pleasurable than intercourse of any kind.

Maybe you should have a baconator on your belly when he eats you. Or invest in baconator flavored lube or something. Lol worked for my girl! ;)

You should wrap you cooch in bacon

ElSkaterGuy 2

It's bacon. What do you expect?