By LiliK - 04/02/2017 14:00 - United Kingdom

Today, while suffering from a serious migraine. I have to cook dinner and listen to the singing of two very tone deaf individuals. I'm starting to contemplate sticking forks in my ears. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 319
You deserved it 596

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They won't stop if you tell them you have a really bad migraine???? Idk what kind of people would keep just keep singing..

Just stab them in the throat with the forks instead.


They won't stop if you tell them you have a really bad migraine???? Idk what kind of people would keep just keep singing..

Was one playing Happy Birthday on their guitar?

I'm kind of curious what the context is here. Is this at home, or elsewhere? And who are the people singing?

bubbles9292 3

If your migraine was that serious you wouldn't be cooking dinner

WinPoe 3

It's likely they aren't actually "tone deaf" because that's a very rare medical condition in which people can't hear the difference between different pitches. Many people who sing out of tune can practice matching pitches while singing, and if you can find a good way to suggest it you can end your misery and likely some of theirs!

Not only "why won't they stop singing," but why are you cooking? Are these individuals children? Because if they're adults they can cook for themselves while you lay down in a quiet, dark room.