By geli - 09/08/2016 00:12

Today, while at the public swimming pool, I gave my 2-year-old daughter a piggy back ride in the pool. We were having fun until I realized she had untied my swim top. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 778
You deserved it 1 448

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Now all three of your girls can enjoy the pool!

And that's when the rest of the people at the pool started to have fun.


And that's when the rest of the people at the pool started to have fun.

i accidentally disliked this comment. fml

I would do that too and I'm 24. don't be too hard on her, I'm sure they look nice

You'd remove your mother's swimsuit top in a public pool?

Kids do the darnest things when least expected

Maybe she's opening up her own petting zoo.

She's two years old. She didn't know any better. Punished? Yes. Severely?! No!

Now all three of your girls can enjoy the pool!

Her twin daughters are still learning to swim though...

#8 - Thankfully they're still quite attached to the mother.

Im sure others there who had kids understood. Hope no one did see you tho!

Couldn't edit my comment fast enough so I'll make one more. There is no need to punish a two year old for this. Maybe try to explain why it was wrong what she did if she did it on purpose at all. Could've been an accident..