Not a good sign

By DeepFriedZombie - 09/08/2016 00:18

Today, I went to my first job interview. I didn't think I was doing too badly, until the interviewer said, "Wait a second, you're in high school?" I explained that the guy who'd called me had said that this wouldn't be a problem. I then watched as my interviewer left his desk to "deal" with him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 070
You deserved it 1 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow. Major fail in that dude's part. Don't worry, OP. I'm sure there'll be other jobs out there, just keep at it. Maybe you and that guy can look for jobs together.

That was their screw up, not yours. Don't let it deter you trying to be a responsible teenager :).


Wow. Major fail in that dude's part. Don't worry, OP. I'm sure there'll be other jobs out there, just keep at it. Maybe you and that guy can look for jobs together.

That's a shitty way to start out, OP, but don't let it deter you from trying again. You'll find a job.

I'm confused as to why the comments above and below me got a ton of up votes but I'm left with bullshit..

I'm confused as to why you feel entitled to have so many upvotes. Cry me a river

That was their screw up, not yours. Don't let it deter you trying to be a responsible teenager :).

The local Walmart is almost always hiring. Half the employees there don't even understand what's going on half the time, so they get fired. I would know, I work there

katachristic 19

Plot twist: OP is 25 and still in high school.

Unfortunately, they don't have Walmart in my country. It's a shame, I'd probably fit that description perfectly ?

jcash52426 5

That's the guys fault who told you to come in. Assuming this is your first interview, I would ask asked him to continue and the critique me on my interview. Good luck on the job serve

look at it this way: it took him a few to realize his error which says you have a quality of professionalism about you.

If you were doing so well and you are still in high school and it is your first interview I think you'll be fine. You might not get this job but you should be proud and pleased you got so far

gemstone586 12

Am I the only one thinking age discrimination?? It's a long process to sue, but you could at least talk to someone higher up.

Some places actually require college students or higher. Things like this are called Bona Fide Occupational Requirements.

Why is everyone so damn sue happy these days?

Age discrimination doesn't apply to anyone under 40

That's only for the USA #11, the whole world doesn't have that law, and since the location isn't listed for this FML, we shouldn't assume. Where I live, anyone 18+ can have a discrimination case if they are fired or unfairly treated because of their age. Minors aren't allowed to bring age discrimination cases though, because sometimes discrimination against them is necessary for safety and experience reasons.

Depends on the job. High schoolers have strict schedules. If I am looking for a waitress to work the weekday lunch rush, a high schooler can not work that shift. If my retail store is open 9-5 a high schooler could not work the whole day. The business just has to justify why a high schooler would be unsuitable for the role.

@ #24 it could also involve the distribution or serving of alcohol which is illegal until 18 (in USA, age differs per country, I assume), or selling tobacco. Some stores don't want to hire until you're of age to sell these things because it's easier than constantly needing to send someone to do that part of the job. all your reasoning is correct too, but besides hours, laws are issues. Some machinery has restrictions as well.

Age discrimination is usually just for old people.

I'm also in high school and know the struggle of needing a job to get experience but needing experience to get a job. Congrats to you for getting an interview, and I hope you get more. Good luck!

Hey you should feel pretty good. You weren't the one to **** up, and the guy interviewing you thought you were mature enough to be a graduated high school student so at least you have some promising potential

What was the job? Also, just go for the work that involves labor. You'll almost always get hired and you'll sleep amazing at night. Your young, so unless you do something stupid it won't really affect you in the long run, negatively at least.

Idk why you got a down vote. This is a great idea

Depending on where op lives, getting a labor job would require being 18. There are a lot of shitty companies that hire minors, but based on experience they are always illegal immigrants so they can cover it up when they get hurt.