By fmylifegirl - 29/12/2009 20:59 - United States

Today, my girlfriends and I got a caricature painting while on a trip in the city. Unfortunately for me, the part of my appearance that the artist decided to exaggerate was my acne. FML
I agree, your life sucks 452
You deserved it 46

Top comments

thinmint 0

awe that was not nice. fyl indeed, acne is a terrrible bitch. and to those who say ydi for not washing-acne is not something that just goes away with good hygiene(sp). most of the time it is a battle of hormones that is very tricky to control, hence more acne whilst on growth hormone...educate before you hate



YDI for being covered in zits, fagatron.

Watch your language in front of the boy! He is but a young lad!

Nicely done!!!! Props for the drawing!!!

the drawing fails first the redhead is on the right of the blonde, but afterward shes on the left. and vice versa for the brunette.

i don't know why the hell ravinderkaler's comment was buried, it's true. any artist worth their salt should at least be able to maintain consistency in their drawings.

YDI for having more than 1 girlfriend!

iValerest 6

#157 Girlfriends as in best or food friends. WOW.

littlepeople666 4

Different angle. At first you see them from the back then from the front. That's why they look like they switched.

randall_doak 4

So, have you ever thought about the fact that people can't necessarily control their acne? It probably wasn't even that bad, like she said, the artist EXAGGERATED it.... Use your noodle r-tard....

hahaha the artist has a sense of humor, if not a tad more dry than most. good for him!

sparkIy 0

um? that's a mean sense of humor. if he ever wants to get a date, i'd suggest he be a little more nice than pointing out someone's flaws.

Isn't exaggerating flaws what caricature artists do? If a person has big ears, the caricature will show them with huge ears. Perhaps OP is flawless in every other way.

realggirl 0

How insensitive!! People don't choose acne. It's an uphill battle trying to get rid of it for many people. I'm so sorry, OP.

Shady_R 0

People don't choose big ears! So whats the difference?

And people don't choose to be caricature artists, it's something your born with.

sparkIy 0

yeah, well i have a huge nose but i'd be kinda offended if a caricature artist exaggerated that. that's just mean.

then you should never get a caricature portrait..

I have a fairly large nose too, but I don't think I would be offended, it all depends on your opinion.

xxreikoxx 31

You're an idiot; who let you out of the mental hospital? Take your rude comments elsewhere. You have my sympathy, OP.

rosieposie22 0

ok how the hell is the coke snorting thing relevant in any way?

humor maybe at work no if they paid him for that he could get in trouble although he most likely has no boss its his own job........but he could get punched in the face next time

PYLrulz 17

#107 is right. Some of you need to grow some thick skin.

People have bad acne and others dont, just because he may or may not wash doesnt dictate his acne. I have a friend who washes every day, and a friend whos lazy as shit and doesnt give a damn. Guess who has alot of acne? The kid who washes every day.

washing your skin can make acne much worse.. especially with harsh products. Your skins just makes more oil faster to replace the ones lost through washing. It also can dry out your skin which delays healing. so shut up **** :)

Malinkrot 3

I use a cheap face wash once a day in the shower and sometimes go to sleep with make-up on, and I have totally clear skin. My boyfriend has this fancy Neutrogena skin kit and takes better care of his skin than me but still gets acne. Its genetics.

Hanban 0

I have a classmate who smokes (and you know the effects of smoking) but her face totally looks angelic! As if you'd never think of her as a smoker. I hate genetics.

rosieposie22 0

oh that is just plain rude and ignorant. That's something you think about and then shut your mouth.

#132 it's probably because she cakes her face with make-up. My friend and I always say "You could paint the school with all the make-up those skanks wear" xD But yeah, genetics play a part too.

Sukismama 2

You can get acne from other reasons besides not washing.maybe op is going through puberty or his hormones are acting up.

briannanegron07 0

ooo iwouldve hit him if I Wass youuu . lol

SweetestSin 4

maybe you should try a little ProActive or something.

When acne is hormonal you can't do anything about it until it goes away, plus proactive is a load of shit that doesn't work. My friend borrowed some from her brother and she tried it for weeks, I kept telling her it was crap, but in the end all she ended up with was a skin rash. So stick you head up your ass and do your research. :)

weissesengel 0

the point of having a caricature is to have your weird, unusual, ugly features emphasized. it's supposed to look humourous. get over it.

Saccharide 0

THIS. You do not get a caricature, and then complain about the guy exaggerating something you didn't want exaggerated. That's the ******* point of a caricature. YDI.

thinmint 0

awe that was not nice. fyl indeed, acne is a terrrible bitch. and to those who say ydi for not washing-acne is not something that just goes away with good hygiene(sp). most of the time it is a battle of hormones that is very tricky to control, hence more acne whilst on growth hormone...educate before you hate