Joe's at it again

By bourneenemy - 19/01/2022 11:01 - United States - Pico Rivera

Today, same as recently, there's some guy constantly standing in front of my building waiting for me to come out, just to stare at me and then get mad when I walk to my car, to the store, to the bank, and even followed me into the lobby to see what floor I get off at, like a weirdo. What should I do? FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 289
You deserved it 123

Same thing different taste

It's not what you think!

By Paula - 24/08/2024 12:00 - United States

Today, I was walking to work when I noticed a cute guy ahead of me. He turned into every single street that I needed to take, and I started to worry he might think I was following him. Just as I was about to overtake him and prove I wasn't a creep, he turned into the building where I work. He's the new intern. Now I have to avoid eye contact for the rest of my life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 267
You deserved it 214

Top comments

Agreed, nasty stalker. see if the cops will help you get his name/address and other info needed to get a restraining order. Then GET a restraining order. watch for him and then have him arrested when he inevitably comes back around. Also, self defense training. Don't become a victim.

He's stalking you. Call the police. Give the man's description and exactly what he's doing.


He's stalking you. Call the police. Give the man's description and exactly what he's doing.

Grumpy Jack 26

That or you can ask the store / bank employee to call the Police and stay inside the store / bank until they come.

Agreed, nasty stalker. see if the cops will help you get his name/address and other info needed to get a restraining order. Then GET a restraining order. watch for him and then have him arrested when he inevitably comes back around. Also, self defense training. Don't become a victim.

So instead of calling the police and reporting him, you post about it on FML. Sorry, but to me, it seems you like the attention. I would have had the police involved after he followed me to the store.

Call the police NOW. If he knows what floor you're on, he probably waited outside after you went in to see which lights come on when you go upstairs. He probably knows what apartment you're in. This is a dangerous person.

Challenge him to a game of one-on-one basketball. If you win, he leaves forever. If he wins, he becomes your roommate. That was easy.

slhiggx 17

…. Report him… wtf? Call the cops… anything rational…

So many options, though anything smaller than a .380 probably aren't good ones. 9mm is pretty popular, and is a great way of keeping yourself safe.