By Anonymous - 11/10/2010 01:16 - United States

Today, we were building the homecoming float, the theme is Seasons of Love. We went around the yard and put random leaves on the float. My friend's dad looked at the float and said, "You do realize that's poison ivy?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 806
You deserved it 30 289

Same thing different taste

Top comments

stacers 0

My brother did something similar, except he accidentally gave the cast of his Adam and Eve church camp skitters poison ivy leaves...oops!


H8rSk8r 0

Well, you got a rash. Boo-hoo. FMLs just arn't what they used to be.

YDI for making foolish RASH decisions

#17 Poison ivy rashes can actually be pretty intense-- and they can easily spread if you dare to itch them. And as moderators have pointed out on various FMLs, FMLs aren't really supposed to be life-ruining moments. They're just supposed to be genuinely funny "Oh man, that sucks" moments.

Shookitup 0

I think roses would have been nicer :)

poison ivy is quite appreate the bitter & painful side of love

Thank you #17! So sick of people bitching that "this isn't a FML" all the time. If everyone posted stuff that actually F'ed their lives how depressing would this site be! It's for entertainment jackholes!

MrsxBillxKaulitz 5

Whoops nevermind! *goes in the fetal position on the floor*


1 ...and ouch tht sucks...fyl


pfffft number one as if. hahaha random leaves.... did it even look any good..?

stacers 0

My brother did something similar, except he accidentally gave the cast of his Adam and Eve church camp skitters poison ivy leaves...oops!

Leaves of three, leave them be. Leaves of four, eat some more!

RedPillSucks 31

Leaves of five, smoke that jive...

kingsley23 0

so u can eat a four leaf clover but not a three leaf clover?

He was just mad that you destroyed his garden / poison moat.

emotive_fml 0

Haha.. This is something my family would do. Kudos for saying this.

FFML_314 11

No, they switched the store around...AGAIN. Its on aisle 7 now.

lalagirl912 0

in florida it's....2?... maybe lol I'm not at the store alot so I wouldn't know : and never needed itching cream :o

world_time_1212 0