By fml_forever32 - 23/12/2009 18:56 - United States

Today, I was in the bus on my way home. I was reading a book, and drops of something were getting all over it. It was the man sitting next to me who was asleep and drooling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 126
You deserved it 2 502

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you would notice if some1 was leaning over you like that

It took you a little too long to realize...


ensemble_coeur 0

right. she totally deserves it for using public transportation and helping the environment. put more effort into your trolling.

Ajjas013 6

WIN. Seriously, put some more effort. Was there a misseltoe? He might of wanted a french kiss. XD

you would notice if some1 was leaning over you like that

It took you a little too long to realize...

How do you spray drool to the person next to you? When drool moves laterally (sp?) isn't it called spit?

curiouskitty 2

Umma.. Was he leaning against you or something? If so... why were you letting some random person lean against you? o_O

Trebie 6

I agree that this one doesn't quite seem true. If it is though, at least it only got on your book, and not you!

ensemble_coeur 0

That's really gross, but I don't think that your life is ****** because of this.