By Anonymous - 26/02/2016 22:31 - United States - Malden

Today, my idiot neighbor decided the best way to dispose of the poison ivy in his yard was to pile it all up and burn it. I'm severely allergic. It was so bad that one of my eyes is still swollen half shut. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 188
You deserved it 1 378

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't say half shut. Think of it like glass half full so in this case your eyes are half open. Boom. The powers of optimism.

I hope you're okay! And that it's not a deadly allergy..


I hope you're okay! And that it's not a deadly allergy..

Are you kidding? A severe allergy in this case could ultimately lead to their throat closing as a result of breathing in excessive fumes containing the oil causing dead by suffocation.

Are you insane? If OP's current symptoms continue their eye could swell completely shut, they could lose depth perception and walk into something dirty and get dead from a slow and painful flesh eating virus.

lolhailsatan 23

i think #2 meant that they hope that in addition to hoping OP is OK, they hope that the allergy isn't deadly...

Ask him to let you know next time that he does it, so you can take the necessary precautions!

I'd say tell him not to do it, what if other people, children, or animals are affected?

all animals are IMMUNE to poison ivy/oak/sumac. The reaction is caused by a chemical named orushiol (it's also used in the Japanese art form Kintsugi I learned that the hard way by having a reaction to it) tho if an animal gets it on their fur/scales/skin they can transfer it to humans via touch

zeffra13 31

There are no precautions other than avoid the area for a few days. Burning aerosolizes the oils that cause the reaction.

One of my arsehole roommates cooks/burns things that I'm allergic to and stinks up most of the house several times a month and doesn't give any *****. I've had to leave in the middle of the night after my throat's swollen so terribly I can barely breathe through it. So I can empathize with that pain OP, good luck plotting your revenge.

tarlax 11

I "recomend" making better comments.

I recommend booze, bacon, and long term birth control plans that can't be ruined by booze or taking a day off from life.

Don't say half shut. Think of it like glass half full so in this case your eyes are half open. Boom. The powers of optimism.

This can actually kill you. If it gets into your lungs, then you could suffocate and die. I would go to the doctor immediately if I were you.

Yikes, sounds painful OP. Did you tell your neighbor what happened? Hopefully something like this won't happen again!