By dannyboy1422 - 02/10/2009 19:17 - United States

Today, we had a lockdown in our school for 2 hours because a man was sitting outside our school in his car with a gun in hand. I texted my mom telling her what was going on and that it's on the news. She responded saying "I'll tape it". FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 948
You deserved it 3 649

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i think you are all idiots. it's an fml because there was a ******* crazy man that could have gone into the school and shot someone and his mom didn't care. jesus christ.


AnaMaree 0

Who cares? I don't. Not an FML. More of like a comment.

It wasn't two hours, it was more like an hour and ten minutes, I was also there... I really don't see how this is an FML, I mean sure, it sucked, but the fact that your mother is taping this is supposed to make it an FML? No, what would have been an FML is if that guy had come into the building and opened fire. If you had just explained the lockdown situation and made that an FML then maybe it would be an FML. Or better yet, if you had been stuck under a cramped little desk for the whole time unable to move. Point is the reason the OP gave for it being an FML made it not an FML...

I was there too only I wasn't in the classroom when it happened, i was in the bathroom

skaterxgiirl23 0

see now that cud be a fml being in the bathroom when its all happenin

Not really a FML. I mean, don't get me wrong. Being in a lockdown because a man with a gun is parked outside your car is pretty bad. It just doesn't have a place on this site.

Well i was locked out of the school... they wouldnt let me in for 2 hrs

OMG mom's are stupid mine did the exact same thing but then my mom has a brain disibilty (tumor i thing the dr. took out more than just the tumor from her brain) u should get ur mom checked

"Yeah, honey, that's nice. I'll make sure to tape it so I can watch all the juicy parts after I finish my soaps. Try not to get shot! Bye, I love you!"