Get help soon

By Anonymous - 08/08/2021 06:01

Today, I realized I rarely go outside anymore due to hyperacusis, social anxiety, depression, and sensory issues. I'm also afraid to tell my family and friends about my problems, because they don't understand how bad it really is. Looks like I'm doomed to be depressed and alone my whole life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 800
You deserved it 214

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd rather wish for her to end up like Mega Man. That plasma canon would sure come in handy to disintegrate pesky anti-maskers and anti-vaxers.

At this point in time, your problems are not a bug, they're a feature! You don't want to go outside where the unvaccinated idiots are passing the Delta variant to each other. You can get therapy in your home, so you can be ready after the mass extinction event subsides. Or you might end up like Omega Man.


At this point in time, your problems are not a bug, they're a feature! You don't want to go outside where the unvaccinated idiots are passing the Delta variant to each other. You can get therapy in your home, so you can be ready after the mass extinction event subsides. Or you might end up like Omega Man.

I'd rather wish for her to end up like Mega Man. That plasma canon would sure come in handy to disintegrate pesky anti-maskers and anti-vaxers.

I don't really know what could help the medical issues but for the loneliness, maybe online gaming can help? I remember meeting a lot of nice people (and ass holes, obviously) back when I was into MMOs and have seen many stories of long-time relationships in virtual spaces. just a thought.. take care!