By dannyboy1422 - 02/10/2009 19:17 - United States

Today, we had a lockdown in our school for 2 hours because a man was sitting outside our school in his car with a gun in hand. I texted my mom telling her what was going on and that it's on the news. She responded saying "I'll tape it". FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 948
You deserved it 3 649

Same thing different taste

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i think you are all idiots. it's an fml because there was a ******* crazy man that could have gone into the school and shot someone and his mom didn't care. jesus christ.


two hours? ha! yesterday my high school was locked down for SEVEN HOURS because a 16-19 year old allegedly pulled out a 45 caliber pistol, pointed it at a car during an altercation at a shopping center across the street then ran to our school with his friends. turns out the "handgun" was a gatorade bottle we had about 50 sheriffs with guns that were like three and a half feet long in bullet proof vests standing outside every classroom with dogs. my story isn't fake, google san marcos high school lockdown santa barbara

good idea gaping it. hell I'd line to have seen that. but yeah it could have been written a little more sympathetic.

whererthefriends 0

Your mom might not have meant that she would simply "tape it" but that she'd watch the broadcast and tape it so that you could see it too. I know that during my time in high school (and even still to this day), my mother would say that she'd "tape" something regardless of if she were watching it as well. You probably know your own mother's habits--if her response surprised you, she probably watched it while taping it...if it didn't surprise you, it probably shouldn't be on FML.

haha lockdown. I'm a teacher and in the past 2 years we have had several lockdowns. one because there was a half naked old lady with a knife- never on news, one because of child with knife- never on news. Then there are the times in town that nothing is on the news where they block a whole end of a street off because of a dangerous criminal in town but don't tell the residents - never on news. Or half a block away from the school was a woman held hostage by her gun-weilding ex threatening to kill them both- never on the news. bottom line is lockdowns are there to keep you safe, it's not always news worthy.... and what was your mum supposed to do, get you all panicked and warn you not to get all shot up??

lol_get_owned209 0

I don't think you people really understand what he's saying, I think the OP realized its not hat big of a deal but he's saying his mother kinda acted like she didn't care that he could be in danger but she just wanted to tape it to amuse people. Maybe I'm wording it wrong but hopefully you understand what I'm trying to say :/

yeah the OP probably just assumed it would be on the news - whether it was or not doesn't matter. And the fact she didn't ask if the OP was okay etc. is an FML

Try four and a half hours cause a guy eight blocks away is passed out on drugs with a katana and a blow gun in hand and the police thought he had a Hispanic hostage because the TV was on. True story. Sucked for most people, but I was in our library and happen to have some Anime in my backpack.

Also one teacher speculated that it was a bomb threat...yes, they locked us in a building cause it might have exploded.

Isn't one of the first things they tell you in a lockdown situation to keep electronic devices turned off? I'm a teacher, and that's one of the first instructions we give. It drives me nuts that every time anything out of the ordinary happens, students reach for their phones or blackberries. You won't die if deprived of your texting capabilities for an hour at a stretch. The police specifically ask us to avoid this, as having a thousand people all text at once in a small area runs the risk of interfering with emergency signals. Learn to follow bloody instructions.

amberspain 0

not all students are like that.. yeah, i'm in high school, yeah i have a cell phone, and yeah i've been in quite a few lockdowns in my generation, but i'm not an idiot to pull it out. i found your comment pretty rude, but you do have a point.

Lockdowns suck i hate them. This one time I really had to pee and we were in that room for like 4 hours. After school. :(

ohmymg 0

Wouldnt this be on the news if it happened?

haha, happened to my grade school back in 5th grade. i guess thats what we get for going to school downtown right by a homeless shelter..