By dannyboy1422 - 02/10/2009 19:17 - United States

Today, we had a lockdown in our school for 2 hours because a man was sitting outside our school in his car with a gun in hand. I texted my mom telling her what was going on and that it's on the news. She responded saying "I'll tape it". FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 948
You deserved it 3 649

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i think you are all idiots. it's an fml because there was a ******* crazy man that could have gone into the school and shot someone and his mom didn't care. jesus christ.

Comments There's the news story.

GeeksAreFreaks 0

My school had a 2 hour lock down on friday too but it wasent a man with a gun lol ur moms too funny

skullbuster 0

I'm sorry OP, but what the **** did you want your Mom to do? Was she supposed to gather Hannibal, Face, BJ Barracas, and Murdoch into the van and go all A-team on the gunman's ass?

If you have a problem, if noone else can help, and if you can find them, you just might be able to hire, THE A-TEAM!

NomDeGuerre 0

So? What did you want her to say?

miss101 3

lol i like your mom so did you watch it?

WHY DO AMERICAN'S THINK THEIR CITIZENS NEED GUNS? self protection from others with guns? OP's story is sooo common in USA. totally avoidable

I WAS THERE, SER MAJ SEN 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fluffysponges 0

Cool mom. Although lemme tell you, lockdowns are not fun. I ended up stuck in an annoying class for 9 hours.