By AllyCat - 07/06/2009 04:49 - United States

Today, was my graduation party. My birthday was about a week ago so my parents combined the presents. I thought it would be something big so I hinted for a new TV. I got a snuggie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 064
You deserved it 5 513

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shoot, that sucks! I didn't get anything for graduating, I got kicked out. I wish I had a snuggie lol.

DrAbe 0

wow bummer they could have atleast got you something better snuggies are stupid


lol @ DieselGirl: "personality traits of a pissed off Badger at the moment" ahahah that's funny. ^_^ U rock. But I know what you mean. I am also at work. Night shift!!

#13 took the words right out of my mouth. Still gonna say it though: LOL IPIDIMY.

WHOOPs. Ahahahahha I can't spell. :P "epitome" of Awesome. ahaha ipidimy. im a tard

DieselGirl 0

27 i cant spell either, as you can tell i was copying you, hahaha. yup night shift brings our the Bitchyness in all of us. isn't it wonderful. but as for the snuggie thing, cant you just turn your bath robe around and be like 'oh yeah its a Snuggggie' same thing?

If I owned a Snuggie, I'd wear it as a robe just to see if someone gets annoyed.

Hey! Snuggies are more convenient, more portable, better for the environment, would help you survive longer in the wild (Man VS. Wild: Special Edition?) and are generally all round cooler than some lame, out-dated idea of television. Be thankful you received such a coolies gift. :P


lol I got a 32 inch LG TV/DVD Combo in one for just my birthday lol. Maybe your poor? idk.

heh 28 it just isn't the same.... A brand ***** I suppose. XD But that's prob how Snuggies came to be. Some person waking up from a hang over, sticking his robe on backwards.. Well my shift is almost over. Wish I could bring one to work with me at nights. :D Good day!

ow that thing is shit thats what my dad gave to my mom for her motheres day

Arinwyn 0

Maybe they assumed you wouldn't have anyone to cuddle up to to keep you warm ;o..