By AllyCat - 07/06/2009 04:49 - United States

Today, was my graduation party. My birthday was about a week ago so my parents combined the presents. I thought it would be something big so I hinted for a new TV. I got a snuggie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 064
You deserved it 5 513

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shoot, that sucks! I didn't get anything for graduating, I got kicked out. I wish I had a snuggie lol.

DrAbe 0

wow bummer they could have atleast got you something better snuggies are stupid


if it's like a backwards robe then if you were walking around your back would get cold wouldn't it?

emyle11 0

hahahaha!!!! but that's not all you got, man. along with the snuggie comes an automatic lifetime membership with Dumbledore's Army. have fun!

Blue_Coconuts 7

I had to google what a snuggie was too... That shit looks ******* badass, I want one.

Have you been in a box for the last 6mo? You're complaining you didn't get a big enough present in this economy? Grow the hell up and be happy your parents could afford anything at all.

stxchickshortie 0

SO????? That's only like ten times cooler!!!

irafinklestein 0

i hope they threw in a shamwow!

i bet your mom wanted a snuggie so she got it for you so if you didn't want it you would pass it to her.

Be more appreciative of what you get. At least you got something.