Not now, mom

By A-train - 13/09/2020 08:01 - United States - Wellesley Hills

Today, it was supposed to be my wedding day. This is the second time we've had to postpone it. The first was due to COVID, this time the sudden passing of my fiance's mother. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 674
You deserved it 156

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Strike two! Let's just hope he doesn't find out that you have an "outie" belly button.

ojoRojo 27

That’s so sad. I’m sorry for your loss...third time’s a charm?


Strike two! Let's just hope he doesn't find out that you have an "outie" belly button.

Christina Winden 22
Mooglefox 23

Yesterday there was a story about a girl who got dumped for having an outie.

queenwolfblood 8

lmao I'm dead🤣🤣🤣💀💀

ojoRojo 27

That’s so sad. I’m sorry for your loss...third time’s a charm?

Wadlaen 23

My deepest condolences, both for the loss of your mother in law and the further postponing of your wedding - I wish you the best of luck and hope you will be able to have a wedding soon! In addition, I'm always curious what kind of people push the 'You deserved it'-button on FMLs like these, 'cause in my opinion I don't think anyone deserves this...

That sucks, I'm so sorry, OP. Plus, your fiance is most likely going to be devastated because now his mother can't be there during the wedding.

Are you freaking kidding me? A woman suddenly dies and you're worried about your wedding? That sounds pretty selfish to me.

julfunky 29

That’s exactly what I was thinking! Her FML is about postponing a wedding. Who tf cares when someone has DIED?

I hit the “you deserve it” button by accident. You can’t reverse it.

It’s just a party. Seems like you should be more concerned with someone passing than you having to reschedule a party.