By AllyCat - 07/06/2009 04:49 - United States

Today, was my graduation party. My birthday was about a week ago so my parents combined the presents. I thought it would be something big so I hinted for a new TV. I got a snuggie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 064
You deserved it 5 513

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shoot, that sucks! I didn't get anything for graduating, I got kicked out. I wish I had a snuggie lol.

DrAbe 0

wow bummer they could have atleast got you something better snuggies are stupid


hanic101 0

Maybe it was a joke. We once gave my brother a snuggie for his birthday but then a week later we gave him his real present. You should have seen his face it was so funny. Hope that's the case with you.

for my 16th bday i got the same exact thing. i was just as pissed as you.

XAMezaki 0

Look on the bright side. They didn't buy you a Shamwow

DieselGirl 0

well i live in a really SMALL town in alberta, we dont have clothing stores or anything, so that would prolly be why i had never heard on this Snuggie thing before today, haha. How sad? what am i possibly missing out on??

xo_emily_xo 0
swimmer07 0

snuggies are awesome, but still, graduation and your birthday combined is a big occasion. FYL

Dickman16 0

holy shitt!!...jenika and deiselgirl..STFU!!

ummm maybe while you were hinting at the TV, a snuggie commercial was on. If so, YDI. Anyways, snuggies suck. My backside is completely cold right now. Thanks a lot Snuggie

krisyourspiffy 0

snuggies are pretty big though. they swallow everyone. so you didn't get jipped on the 'big' factor.