By gayvsgay - 06/03/2016 15:31 - Germany - V?lklingen

Today, my dad posted on Facebook, apologizing to anyone he'd texted the night before. He said he'd gotten wasted and didn't mean anything he said. So much for that first ever "I'm proud of you" then. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 822
You deserved it 1 828

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's likely he thinks it, but never says it. Also, don't forget that no matter what he says now, people tend to be honest while drunk

nattlecakes 19

They say the truth comes out when you are drunk. I'm sure your dad meant it even if he doesn't express it while sober.


It's likely he thinks it, but never says it. Also, don't forget that no matter what he says now, people tend to be honest while drunk

It seems like OP got the good end of the drunk honesty stick and he just said the bad stuff he can't say to everyone else.

nattlecakes 19

They say the truth comes out when you are drunk. I'm sure your dad meant it even if he doesn't express it while sober.

aliciousness116 16

Sometimes, parents use silence as a tool to motivate their kids or it's just their pride they can't swallow. It doesn't mean they're not proud of their kids. Don't let this ruin your mood. He'll always be proud of you.

aliciousness116 16

Perhaps, you're right. I didn't note that earlier but thanks.

RusticChick 27

You know what they say, OP. Drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts!

Tatush_ 13

People tend to be honest when they're drunk. So he spoke his mind while he was drunk.. But really, he didn't want to admit it sober.

SailorSolaris 43

The Japanese have an old saying, "People show their true nature when drunk". So he likely DID mean what he said, even if he denies it.

OptimusSlime 23

Maybe he was talking generally, like he said a ton of mean things and you were an exception. It's easier to say "sorry for what I said last night" than it is to say "sorry for everything I said last night, except for when I said I'm proud of you"

Lots of people need to lose their inhibitions before they can say what they really mean. Sounded like a lovely drunk sentiment from your old man, don't let his generalising public Facebook status take that away :)