By tuppu - 03/11/2010 14:35 - Finland

Today, waking up I noticed that my female boss had texted me during the night, telling me she wants me bad. I'm a woman, happily married to a man, and now have to turn her down somehow and not get fired in the process. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 214
You deserved it 3 365

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe she sent it to the wrong person by accident.


oh that's hot!!!!, u might have to lick that cucci lol

When she comes, look up and say, "Are you Finnish?"

just turn her down and if she fires you. you can show an HR the texts and she cant do shit. hahaha. or have a threesome. thats always fun

omg. haha. she won't be aloud to fire you!

this is so hot. there's nothing wrong with that, just f**k her good, instead of getting fired in the process, you're gonna get raised.

SaRah_In_LoVe 0

Save the text and report it, not to get her fired necessarily but to watch your own back. I was fired for no cause and when I reported my manager after for his abusive language, it was too late =(

dynky 3

are you sure she meant to send it to you?

Flutist 3

Have great sex and rise again after three days?

perdix 29

Just go and eat her pussy badly, use only one finger when she wants two or more, and make sure yours is unwashed, unshaven and smelly. In one night, you'll rescue your career and end your boss's extra-curricular interest in you. Problem solved.

sourgirl101 28

She can't be too bushy down there. She still has a husband to take care of. Unless the husband likes running though a wicked garden?

skyeyez9 24

Perdix...I just threw up a little. 

perdix 29

Oh, I threw up a lot! But effective problem-solving sometimes requires extraordinarily disgusting measures.

fmltiligothigh 0

just act like you never got the text, dude.