How not to raise them

By Anonymous - 03/10/2021 14:00

Today, my son claimed credit for a money-saving scheme at work that belonged to a colleague. He claimed this to someone in very upper management, but when they tried to ask follow-up questions, he obviously had no idea how to answer, admitted his lie and was sacked on the spot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 973
You deserved it 433

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FML for you but YDI for him. Your son deserved to be sacked 100% and hopefully he has learned not to do something so disgusting and stupid as claiming other people's work are his.

So stupid!! He admitted his lie! The new technology of lying is to never admit it once the lie is clearly exposed. If he threw around terms like "fake news", "rigged" and "conspiracy," he'd be joining the C-suite instead of the soup line.


FML for you but YDI for him. Your son deserved to be sacked 100% and hopefully he has learned not to do something so disgusting and stupid as claiming other people's work are his.

So stupid!! He admitted his lie! The new technology of lying is to never admit it once the lie is clearly exposed. If he threw around terms like "fake news", "rigged" and "conspiracy," he'd be joining the C-suite instead of the soup line.

bluntaf 3

he got what he deserved. Time to teach him how to be an honest man.

I'm impressed by upper management. If Activation Blizzards management had been so quick to solve a problem they wouldn't be being dragged through the mud right now. Sorry about your son, I bet there was some truth to what he was saying and things just got out of hand. I know i've been in similar positions where I say something, people assume it means something different/more, and then I have to choose quickly if I want to backpedal this accidental misinterpretation of something the other person was impressed by.

Nhayaa2.0 17

There's no "They deserved it" button but hell yeah, he deserved it.

FYL for having a son that would take the credit for someone else's success.

Hunter Phillips 7

sounds like a fhl to me 🤷‍♂️😅🤣😂