By PlayboyBunny - 19/02/2011 07:20 - United States

Today, the sweetest thing my boyfriend ever told me was that I'd make a good porn star. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 616
You deserved it 8 636

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So he's saying you're really hot and sexy, and that you're great at stuffing $20 bills in all sorts of places? Seems like a pretty big compliment if you ask me.

dump his ass and go fulfil your destiny


DearlyBeloved20 3

The way I understood it was that she's upset because that's the only compliment he's ever given her. If the only thing he has ever complimented her on is sex then yeah that does kind of suck. It kind of makes you question the reason why he even wants to be with her.

legendary242 5
iiiiiiiirediiiii 0

You should film yourself having an orgy with girls and give it to him as a birthday gift :)

Picking_Kuppies 0

@People saying it's an actual compliment: How is saying "I see you as nothing but a sex object" a compliment?

Well make the best of it. Make some videos, make some money, and show them to him when he wants to have sex. Tell him you're too tired from f**king all day and he can just jack off watching you get laid. LOL!

mrdaddy 0

Good one athos I like your take on it.

What a mean pants your boy friend is. What are you doing Saturday night? =)

towisd420 0

but that's kinda hawt, no? I mean you like it. Dont you? Heh heh or FYL. Too bad you cant make no videos while you're at it. ;p