By PlayboyBunny - 19/02/2011 07:20 - United States

Today, the sweetest thing my boyfriend ever told me was that I'd make a good porn star. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 616
You deserved it 8 636

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So he's saying you're really hot and sexy, and that you're great at stuffing $20 bills in all sorts of places? Seems like a pretty big compliment if you ask me.

dump his ass and go fulfil your destiny


UnanomousGurl 0

Itz not his fault theres nothing sweet to say about u, YDI!

samadams42 0

All of your comments make me want to cook a baby and shove it down ur throat.

UnanomousGurl 0

LOL i joke around but i seriouzly do get annoyed by girls dat complain so much about their bfz yet dey stay with them, they LIKE IT!

samadams42 0

LAWLFEST! but no sometimes ur comments hurt my feelings.. jk

Your grammar makes my head hurt. Among other body parts.

UnanomousGurl 0

Can we take our time when typing comments, please? Text language is not permitted in the comments section.

UnanomousGurl 0

Umm this is actually the first time but ok

iloveboyswittats 10

What's wrong with being told you're good at sex? Sex is important in a relationship. If the sex sucks the relationship eventually falls apart. I think OP just needs to quit complaining.

So....why are you going out with him in the first place? YDI

yup you deserve it! have sum respect for yo self

'in my opinion, a realationship can work perfectly well without sex :)' I pity your future partner. Good sex makes people a lot more happy.

Take a compliment and shut the pie hole.

mintcar 9

Why the hell are you complaining? YOU chose him.

Did you ask if that was because you're so good at faking it? That would have put him in his place!