Cheers, Doc

By Anonymous - 28/01/2023 00:00

Today, I accidentally swallowed a piece of gum. My doctor says it'll pass in 7-10 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 164
You deserved it 751

Same thing different taste

Top comments

For the love of god, please get a new doctor! That is NOT true at all! Your body won’t be able to digest the gum, but it most certainly will not stay in your body for 7-10 years. You’ll pass it soon, just like corn.


For the love of god, please get a new doctor! That is NOT true at all! Your body won’t be able to digest the gum, but it most certainly will not stay in your body for 7-10 years. You’ll pass it soon, just like corn.

why did you even feel the need to call a Dr? you'll poop it right back out

Don't believe what that idiot tells you. While you're here, though, how would you like to purchase an acre of the Moon? I'll even give you a 10% discount because I like ya.

You're not going to live that long. A gum tree is going to start growing from inside your stomach and will kill you pretty soon. You gotta keep up with medical science.

First off, you went to a doctor because you swallowed gum? People have done that for years. Second, I think your doctor's knowledge is severely outdated if he thinks gum will take that long to evacuate your bowels.