By Anonim23 - 15/08/2019 20:00

Today, the spiders in my house are so big that they catch wasps in their webs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 602
You deserved it 237

Same thing different taste

Top comments

isn't that a win? I'm not a fan of spiders but I like wasps even less

Why is that a bad thing? Better than letting the wasps go free. I'd say a better FML is why do you have wasps in your house?


isn't that a win? I'm not a fan of spiders but I like wasps even less

Why is that a bad thing? Better than letting the wasps go free. I'd say a better FML is why do you have wasps in your house?

Mathalamus 24

I think that's a good thing.

slowhandjp 16

I can't live in the house that has so big spiders in it🕷🕸because I'm a spiderphobia😱

I'd rather have big spiders that don't do me any harm than wasps :o

ViviMage 38

They are doing you a favor!

This is probably a good thing if you have wasps in your house.