By dukemisery - 01/10/2016 05:34 - Hong Kong - Central District

Today, I was glad to find out that all the bedbugs have been eaten. Now I have a spider infestation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 607
You deserved it 957

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I absolutely hate spiders. But in this specific case I would choose them over the alternative.

get a lizard to eat the spiders lol


get a lizard to eat the spiders lol

then you'll need a bird or snake to take care of the lizard infestation, then a eagle/hawk, then the military, and aliens.

i was gonna make a "old lady that swallowed the fly" reference, but you sir have definitely stepped the game up.

JocelynKaulitz 28

I absolutely hate spiders. But in this specific case I would choose them over the alternative.

Same here! Honestly, having bedbugs would be the real FML here. I'd say the spiders saved you, OP.

Burning down your house is the only logical thing to do here.

The couch can be a wonderful friend.

Well. Time to burn your house down and move.

Unlucky1232 20

well spider's will be easier to take care of and less of a problem. unless it's like a brown recluse or something in that case GET THE HELL OUTTA THERE!

species4872 19

Do not break the food chain, It's just you and them now. try frying them. bon appetit.

I'll give you my pickled spider recipe, op. Haven't tried it yet but I heard it's not too poisonous.