Piece of shit car

By Anonymous - 15/08/2019 16:04

Today, I went to Auto Zone because my car was having trouble starting, and I thought it was the battery. The guy checked it with their reader, and confirmed it was dying. Right after he put the battery in, my starter died. I had to get my car towed to the shop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 699
You deserved it 126

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The battery could have been good. These guys are awful about saying batteries are bad when you could easily get a few more years on it. I had a girlfriend one time that was having an issue where her car would stall while turning. Her dad said it was probably the battery, so she took it to one of the local parts stores to test. They connected the battery up and said she needed a new one. On her way home, she stalled again. Normally, she could start the car after a few minutes, but she was unable to restart her car for 15 minutes. She called me to pick her up and I took a look at it. She was just low on oil. As she turned, the oil would move to one side of the engine and trip the oil sensor. There was no dash indication for low oil. I filled her oil up and she didn't have any more issues. Parts store made off with a sale on a needless repair. Always take your car to a trusted mechanic.

I wonder why people are downvoting you? You legitimately can do that, plus it’s a good thing to know how to work on your own car, a lot of repairs are really cheap if you just spend an hour doing it yourself.


thehaystackerine 20

or you could have bought a starter, Autozone has a tool loan program, and replaced it yourself on thier parking lot in about a half hour for maybe less than the towing bill.

I wonder why people are downvoting you? You legitimately can do that, plus it’s a good thing to know how to work on your own car, a lot of repairs are really cheap if you just spend an hour doing it yourself.

The battery could have been good. These guys are awful about saying batteries are bad when you could easily get a few more years on it. I had a girlfriend one time that was having an issue where her car would stall while turning. Her dad said it was probably the battery, so she took it to one of the local parts stores to test. They connected the battery up and said she needed a new one. On her way home, she stalled again. Normally, she could start the car after a few minutes, but she was unable to restart her car for 15 minutes. She called me to pick her up and I took a look at it. She was just low on oil. As she turned, the oil would move to one side of the engine and trip the oil sensor. There was no dash indication for low oil. I filled her oil up and she didn't have any more issues. Parts store made off with a sale on a needless repair. Always take your car to a trusted mechanic.