By Fatty - 27/12/2009 07:15 - United States

Today, the guy I've had a crush on came over to my house. My Dad came in to see how we we're doing, looks at me and says "Man... You've REALLY been puttin' on the pounds!", pokes me in the stomach a few times, and leaves. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 491
You deserved it 4 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's your dads job to make sure your never having sex in your life.


SheKillzs 0

smh, I would of been so

And your still not pregrant. Give your dad a hug.

strawberryswirl 0

Where's the "who cares?" button?

music_METAL 0

wo ur dad killed it. I would of said anyways and continued after ur dad left.

Stevenopolis 0

First I thought "**** block" and creepy dad. But then I though, "If I had a 14 year old I didn't want to see become a 15 year old mom, that's EXACTLY what I would say." Genius dad you have there. You'll thank him when the guy knocks up his next girlfriend and you see them coming out of Walmart in 10 years with 3 kids and getting into a POS car that's even older.

My mom made comments like this to me when I was young, and now I have an eating disorder.

don't blame that on your have choices too

kaytee05 0

haha not to be rude but I think that's nice(: he's just teasin u, u took it the wrong way:/ parents always have to do that to their kids don't worry my moms embarressed me many times before infronta my boyfrenn

terranada 3

slip hot sauce into his food for revenge!! >D

_kayla_bear 0

I'd be so mad if my dad did that lol he's just trying to protect you(: