By Anonymous - 12/11/2014 17:21 - United Kingdom - Middlesbrough

Today, someone commented on my mother's memorial page on my blog. It said "u need too get over it bitch" and "ur mum was a wh0re". I looked up the IP address and found the comment was posted from my own wifi. The only other person who lives in my house is my girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 802
You deserved it 3 821

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Could someone else like a neighbor have had access to the wifi?


It's also completely possible to get random or different IPs from things like TOR. So someone else could have used a similar software to choose a specific IP. Condolences for your loss, OP.

It's really easy to hack into someone's really easy. I would talk to her about it first. if she admits to doing it then dump her like a pound of bricks

Feel sorry for you dude. Maybe time to get another girl

I'll bet it's a spoofed IP. Don't compound the situation by destroying your relationship unless you're 100% sure it couldn't possibly be a hacker.

Agreed with 93. OP, i highly doubt it was your girlfriend. If you're suspicious you can check your wifi log (don't most display a record with matching MAC/IP addresses, and even the device name?) But spoofing an IP is so easy, anyone could have done it.

Its easy as hell to hack someone's wifi or to download programs (eg. VPN) to set a static IP. This is nothing but a bored, disgruntled asshole with marginally above average tech-savviness.

Lafayo 9

I hope you mean "ex-girlfriend"

Unless you did a Tyler Durden or the neighbors steal your Wi-Fi

But...why would you look up the ip in the first place?