By iamchazzi - 01/12/2017 18:30 - United States - Madison

Today, I found out that my mom uses my Facebook account more than I do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 531
You deserved it 578

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ffc Squall 14

Why does she even have access to your account?

Good news: you have more friends than ever. Bad news: all the talk is about mah-jongg and fibromyalgia.


Good news: you have more friends than ever. Bad news: all the talk is about mah-jongg and fibromyalgia.

Really? I thought they only talked about bingo...

ffc Squall 14

Why does she even have access to your account?

arioch_fml 20

Oh god, she's one of them! Get this out there fast, she's already slithering into your place, getting ready to steal your life!

exileonmainst 16

Sleep in the garage, that’ll teach her!

Easy fix. Change your password. If she is accessing your account on your computer, keep your computer away from her. I'm pretty sure that's not the only thing of yours she has been accessing.

Or not even keep the PC away from her, put a password on your PC account and have it lock when it goes to sleep.

Or if it's a PC that the entire household shares, turn off the "Remember Password" feature, and log out of the account after use. With all the security measures available, there's no excuse for anyone to have to share their FB account with anyone.

Oh hey, you're from WI? Well, in case you're my SIL, your Festivus airing of grievances are coming a little early: your mom uses your fb if you leave it logged in, and multiple people in your family's fb, to stalk (and occasionally comment to) people she's blocked or limited or has other imaginary beef with. If you're not my SIL, that means there is more than one mom from WI doing this crap. Maybe they should be fb friends!

I am sure "Chazzi" is not exactly the most common name in the world.

Lobby_Bee 17

Get her her own account, they're free.

This sounds like a bad plot to a low-budget horror film...

why does she have access to your Facebook acct? ydi