By HotelClerk - 22/01/2010 06:37 - United States

Today, somebody stopped by the front desk at the hotel I work at to report a vehicle had its headlights on. I wrote down the info, including the plate. Hours later, after my shift was over, I finally realized that it was MY vehicle. The battery was dead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 114
You deserved it 42 482

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you definately deserved it for not knowing the details of your own car.

don't you know your own car plate number? o.O


you definately deserved it for not knowing the details of your own car.

#1 said it, u have to b rly stupid to not at least realize that's the same car and color u have

afarr 0

you deserve it for leaving them on. Simples. Shawie?

clichesk8r 0

#1 took the words right out my mouth

Saccharide 0

"Okay... white car... go on... Minnesota tags? kay... Toyota? m'kay... XBC-5102? sure... Prius? Wow, what a coincidence, I own one too! Well, thank you for your help ma'am, have a nice day."

don't you know your own car plate number? o.O

jakeidk 0
bloodhoundbambam 0

Well I memorized my fathers car plates, idk why I just know them.

And even if you didn't, most people would check after hearing their make and model described...ydi

anela_fml 0
Twi_lover_EC 6

I agree with #2. Don't u know your own car plate number????

anela_fml 0

I do it's my first car yay :)

Even if you didn't recognize the plate number, which is weird in itself, how did the other info not ring a bell? "There's a white Honda Civic with it's lights on out there..." "Haha what a coincidence, I have a white Honda Civic... Oh... Oh wait..."

Exactly! How do you not know the Make, Model, and color of your own car!?

THIS is what im saying. ok, mayeb you dont remember your exact license plate, but even so you didnt realize that the car was the same exact model, make, color, ANYTHING?! you totally ******* deserve it. if someone came in saying a black pontiac had its lights on the first thing id do would be to check outside just to make sure. as for next time OP, i suggest a car with automatic headlights, or maybe pay attention to that annoying beeping noise your car makes if you forget to turn them off.

Now that's just beyond absurd. Unless you bought a brand new car and you just recieved the registration plate, that's understandable.

plutosaplanet 0

not only do i not understand how you dont recognize any of your own vehicle information....what was the point in writing any of the information down? it doesnt seem as if you did anything with it.

You're an idiot. I learned my plate numbers the same day I got them. It's kind of an important thing to know....

that's what u get for being an idiot. the person who gave u the details prob told u the type of car it was along with the color...

OP said 'the info', which I'm pretty sure means the color, make and model of the car.