By HotelClerk - 22/01/2010 06:37 - United States

Today, somebody stopped by the front desk at the hotel I work at to report a vehicle had its headlights on. I wrote down the info, including the plate. Hours later, after my shift was over, I finally realized that it was MY vehicle. The battery was dead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 112
You deserved it 42 475

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you definately deserved it for not knowing the details of your own car.

don't you know your own car plate number? o.O


fake unless he really is so stupid as to not know what make or colour his car is and doesnt know his own plates.

KurouTenshi 0

you can has fail, I can has YOUR cheeseburger xD

afarr 0

Nooo not mah cheezburger! that r my only noms! Shawie? that mah thing btw spread it!

I don't even have a car and I know that you should know your own license plate number.

So...? Find some jumper cables and a person to help and jump it. Simple fix. Living in a state like this, you need to have jumper cables. Then again, seeing as you are clearly not the sharpest tack in the drawer in the first place you just may blow yourself up by doing it incorrectly.

Wow, no wonder you're a hotel clerk with a brain like that.

chadwick110480 0

YDI. Think much . . . guess not.

escapenowx 0

you guys are just omg. you know maybe she just got new plates or maybe she was having a busy day and didn't realize what the man was saying. and she didn't say the information the guy told her. the guy couldve just said the license plate number. the OP is limited on what to say - give it a rest and cut her some slack