By OhDeary - 01/08/2011 20:18 - United States

Today, our power went out due to some severe storms. My daughter, who is 18, asked me why the lights on the car still worked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 346
You deserved it 9 707

Same thing different taste

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NeonBlack 0
Stonedmanalex 0


you should tell her that you precisely bought the car in the neighboring city to prevent a total blackout in this situations.

Lions_go_rawr 4

I live in CT too! Our power didn't go out but all of our water ran out -_- Very annoying. And the sky is RED!

sparxva 12

I think it is a fair question if nobody ever explained how the car's electrical systems work to her. Teach the girl something about cars before some mechanic takes advantage of her naïveté. I suggest listening to Car Talk together on NPR (never though I would recommend listening to NPR).

if you need to study cars for extended time just to figure out a car has a battery, then you sir, are a dumbass.

Tell her to go sit in the garage with the car running so she can see, flip the lights in the garage off

Wait, the lights in cars still work even when the power is out?! Wow.. Who would have known! O_o

asianpersuasian2 9

you raised her so...yeah FYL

is your daughter blonde by any chance?