By Anonymous - 11/05/2015 06:59 - Canada - Maple Ridge

Today, once again, I explained that yes, I'm Russian. No, I'm not a communist. No, I don't pray to a picture of Putin riding a bear. And no, I don't have any vodka on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 304
You deserved it 3 554

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No vodka on you? What good is being Russian? I'm sincerely disappointed, OP.

Wizardo 33

As any well trained sleeper cell is meant to do buddy.


That's when you sarcastically give your professor a quick lesson in sex Ed lol

I'm not Russian and I always have vodka on me.

You might be Russian, but you're not good at it!

rockon327 2

LITERALLY THE STRUGGLE! It's sooooo annoying. Russia isn't the worst place out there, and we Russians do not worship Putin, Bears and Communism... zzzz

Can't lie, the vodka's nice . . . but everyone drinks it. Not just Russians

How often do you get Putin this situation?

so, you're saying that you don't have any vodka?

cosmicdancer84 7

If anything, I'd ask if you play chess or if you play any classical instruments.

Though the location is canada, but that's none of my business *sips tea*

Psycho_Babydoll 26

Wait, you mean.... Russian people... can actually..... move around? *le gasp*